Sample Islamic Obituary

نموذج نعوة إسلامية

Find on this page a sample Islamic obituary in Arabic that you can download, edit, and print or distribute electronically.

Islamic obituary is basically informing the community of the death of a Muslim person. In print, or electronic, it is usually one page that includes one aya (verse), the name of the deceased, possibly a short du’a, the names of close relatives, and the date, time and location of the funeral, and the three morning days to visit and support the family.

This document is made available by the family of Mohammad Anwar Al Baroudi as an ongoing sadaqah. They hope that you will make dua for him and his family. Visit the Du’a for the deceased page to learn and read a great dua’a for a deceased Muslim.

May Allah have mercy on you, your family, Mr. Baroudi and his family, and our ummah.

This sample obituary is based on a format commonly used in Syria and Lebanon. If obituaries are worded or laid out differently in your country, please let us know of the differences in the comment box below.

If you need it in English, or with information prefilled, let know and we will do our best to help.

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