نموذج نعوة إسلامية
An Islamic obituary is a written notice of a person’s death to inform the local muslim community. It provides information about the deceased, including their survivors and funeral arrangements, usually on one page, to be distributed in print and or electronically.
What information is included in an obituary?
Name: The deceased’s full name
Services: The date, time, and location of deceased prayer, burial, and 3-day mourning/condolences accepting services.
Dates: Date of birth, date of death, and place of death can be included.
Survivors: The names of close relatives (in this sample, family names of relatives, and individual names of close relatives)
Find on this page a sample Islamic obituary in Arabic that you can download, edit, and print or distribute electronically. These multiformat reusable documents are formatted following the Syrian – Lebanese format, and probably in other Muslim societies, and are usable, everywhere. They are made available for all muslims as an ongoing sadaqah by the family of Mohammad Anwar Baroudi–may Allah grant mercy to him, his family, you and your family and community, and all Muslims. Please make duaa for him and his family, yours and yourself, and all deceased muslims everywhere.
You can visit the Du’a for the deceased page to learn and read a great dua’a for deceased Muslims, and other related pages to learn more about islamic funeral process.
This sample obituary is based on a format commonly used in Syria and Lebanon. If obituaries are worded or laid out differently in your country, please let us know of the differences in the comment box below.
If you need it in English, or with information prefilled, let know and we will do our best to help.
Updated on 3/3/2025:
Another short sample Islamic obituary in both Arabic and English, suitable for general use. You can adapt (copy, paste, edit and format) and add specific details as needed.
“In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
With hearts full of submission to the will of Allah, we announce the passing of our beloved [Name of Deceased], son/daughter of [Father’s Name] and [Mother’s Name], who returned to their Lord on [Date of Death].
[Name of Deceased] lived a life of [mention a positive quality, e.g., kindness, piety, generosity]. They were a devoted [mention family role, e.g., parent, sibling, friend] and will be deeply missed by all who knew them.
We ask Allah (SWT) to forgive their shortcomings, accept their good deeds, grant them Jannatul Firdaus (the highest level of Paradise), and give their family and loved ones patience and strength during this difficult time.
The Janazah prayer will be held at [Location of Janazah] on [Date of Janazah] at [Time of Janazah]. Burial will follow at [Location of Burial].
“Indeed, to Allah we belong, and to Him we shall return.” (Quran 2:156)
Please join us in prayers for the departed soul. May Allah have mercy on them.
“بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.
إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون.
بقلوب مؤمنة بقضاء الله وقدره، ننعى وفاة فقيدنا الغالي/فقيدتنا الغالية [اسم المتوفى/المتوفاة]، ابن/ابنة [اسم الأب] و [اسم الأم]، الذي/التي انتقل/انتقلت إلى رحمة الله تعالى يوم [تاريخ الوفاة].
لقد عاش/عاشت [اسم المتوفى/المتوفاة] حياة [ذكر صفة حسنة، مثل: طيبة، تقوى، كرم]. كان/كانت [ذكر الدور العائلي، مثل: والداً/والدة، أخاً/أختاً، صديقاً/صديقة] مخلصاً/مخلصة، وسيفتقده/تفتقدها كل من عرفه/عرفتها.
نسأل الله تعالى أن يغفر له/لها ذنوبه/ذنوبها، ويتقبل حسناته/حسناتها، ويدخله/يدخلها جنات الفردوس الأعلى، وأن يلهم أهله/أهلها وذويه/ذويها الصبر والسلوان في هذا المصاب الجلل.
ستقام صلاة الجنازة في [مكان صلاة الجنازة] يوم [تاريخ صلاة الجنازة] الساعة [وقت صلاة الجنازة]. وسيوارى/ستوارى الثرى في [مكان الدفن].
“إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون.” (القرآن الكريم 2:156)
يرجى مشاركتنا الدعاء للفقيد/الفقيدة. رحم الله الفقيد/الفقيدة رحمة واسعة.
Key elements to customize:
- [Name of Deceased]: Replace with the deceased’s full name.
- [Father’s Name] and [Mother’s Name]: Include the parents’ names.
- [Date of Death]: Specify the date of passing.
- [Mention a positive quality]: Add a personal touch by highlighting a characteristic.
- [Mention family role]: Clarify the deceased’s relationship to others.
- [Location of Janazah]: State where the funeral prayer will be held.
- [Date of Janazah]: Provide the date of the funeral prayer.
- [Time of Janazah]: Specify the time of the funeral prayer.
- [Location of Burial]: Indicate the burial site.
- Add specific Duas: you can add more specific supplications.
Remember to be respectful and accurate when providing information. May Allah grant peace and comfort to the bereaved family.
Hey I need one to print with English beside it so my American friends can understand
Hello Nyimah, your request has been forwarded to the Muslim brother who provided the documents to work on and a combined Arabic+English version ISA.